It has been a year since the AKAD, when you kissed my forehead. Along the journey we shared the loves.
Another year to create precious memories together, to discover new things to enjoy about each other. To strengthen a marriage that defines forever.
Happy Anniversary dear husben! I love you more and more.
Nanti next2 year kita celebrate dengan si tecit yea? hihi.. =)
So, apa plan utk celebrate? hoho..dia kerja malam lah hari ni!!, maybe any plan akan ditunda hingga kedua-duanya bercuti.
dont be like me okayyy
tunda2 then tak buat langsung. tunda ke next year la jawabnya! :D
sekejap je kan..
congrats hana n hubby...semoga bahgia selamanya..
sarah: hehe..itulah! hopefully adalah something even masak2 simple aje. tak gitu?
ika: iyea..sekejap aje masa berlalu..thanks ika =)
semoga kekal sasmpai syurga!!!
epy aniversary :)
happy annyversary hana :)
sya: aminnnn...
cheqmoomoo & cha: thank you darlas!!
sekejap je kan masa berlalu..tup2 dh sthn..tup2 thn dpn ade baby :) happy anniversary dear hana!
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